Protecting you from scammers and fraud is a top priority for Legal & General. We are doing everything we can to keep your money safe.

Here you will find all the practical advice, hints and tips you will need.

If you’ve seenread or heard anything from Legal & General that you think may be fake or a scam, you can report it to the Central Bank of Ireland or contact us

Keeping you safe online

Making sure it's us

Worried that a website may be fake, or that the Legal & General website may be a copy made by scammers?

Then look no further.

We have put together a helpful video showing you a few simple things to watch out for.

However, If you are ever concerned by any correspondence you receive by telephone, email or letter – please contact us

The Domains used by Legal and General are:

What does Legal & General look and sound like?

Legal & General will never cold call you. We will only phone you when there is a need to.

But how do you know if the person on the other end of the phone is from Legal & General and not a scammer?

Check out our helpful video that tells you when and how we will contact you.

Report a scam

Something phishy going on?

If you’ve seen, read or heard anything from Legal & General that you think may be fake or a scam, you can report it to the FCA or Contact us

Woman working with laptop

More help & support

Child wearing a bicycle helmet

Be ready, be wary

Find out how to protect yourself from scammers.