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Contact us

Get in touch

Woman talking on phone

Get in touch

If you would like any further information please complete the contact us form. 

Sales contacts


Giancarlo Sandrin, CFA

Head of Wholesale Distribution, Southern Europe

Elena Baccani

Elena Baccani

Senior Business Development Manager

Tommaso Cuccheti

Tommaso Cucchetti

Senior Business Development Manager

Paolo Sarti

Paolo Sarti

Business Development Officer


Milan office:
Piazza della Repubblica 3
20121 - Milano

Telephone Recording

As required under applicable laws Legal & General will record all telephone and electronic communications and conversations with you that result or may result in the undertaking of transactions in financial instruments on your behalf. Such records will be kept for a period of five years (or up to seven years upon request from the Financial Conduct Authority (or such successor from time to time)) and will be provided to you upon request.

Complaints and feedback

If you have a complaint or would like to provide some feedback on our services you can email complaints@lgim.com .