What are target date funds?

Target date funds are funds that enable groups of pension savers that are all targeting a similar retirement date, to save together in a single investment fund. An individual chooses a fund based on their estimated retirement date and will stay in that one fund to and through retirement.

The mix of assets within the fund changes over time to reflect the needs of scheme members as they approach – and surpass – their target retirement date.

*Source: LGIM internal data as at 31 Dec 2023. The AUM disclosed is shown on the basis of client direct investments and excludes any double count from fund of fund holdings. The AUM includes the value of securities and derivatives positions.

*Applies to L&G DC Workplace scheme members currently invested in the growth phase and/or steady growth phase of all L&G Target Date Fund strategies. Subject to change. ESG integration and consideration through a variety of factors.

**Applies to L&G DC Workplace scheme member cohorts 2015 – 2020, 2020 – 2025, 2025 – 2030, 2030 – 2035, 2035 – 2040 currently invested in the de-risking phase of L&G Target Date Fund strategy 2. Subject to change.

Meet the team

Drawing from expertise across fund management, research and distribution

The TDFs are managed by the Solutions and Investment Strategy Management teams. The Solutions team has a wealth of experience drawn from financial, actuarial and consultancy backgrounds. The team are involved in asset allocation work for a wide range of LGIM's clients, typically large pension and insurance funds, as well as managing LGIM’s objective-driven pooled funds. The Investment Strategy Management (ISM) team is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Funds and deal with pre-funding, re-registration, portfolio construction and efficient allocation of assets against new or existing strategies.