A private markets fund designed specifically for DC schemes

As a defined contribution (DC) pension fund provider, we aim to help our clients invest for the best possible outcomes. In our view, this means not only finding great investment opportunities, but also ensuring that these are accessible to schemes and members.

DC schemes have continuous ebbs and flows of capital, so as well as the operational need for daily valuations, they require daily dealing.
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Much has been said over the past several years about the potential benefits of private market investments, such as portfolio diversification and greater, long-term net of fees returns. Indeed, at Legal & General we have been investing in private markets for over 40 years and we believe they can be a valuable part of a portfolio. Defined benefit schemes (DB) have been taking advantage of these opportunities for decades. However, largely for operational reasons, up until recently, DC schemes have generally lacked access to them.

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Jesal Mistry

Jesal Mistry

Head of DC Investment, Legal & General


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We incorporate our thinking across our investment strategies and solutions, and have strong credentials in corporate governance and responsible investment.